Sonja Vidar

Wayfaring Stranger

Captain Sonja Vidar

Age: 34
Gender: Agender
Sexuality: Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Any
Nationality: From Werlyt, resides in Limsa during shore leave.
Jobs: MNK, MCH - Primarily an unarmed fighter, as most weapons break in her hands due to her sheer strength.
Extra: Werewolf


A longtime bearer of Lycanthropy, Sonja's memory of how she contracted the curse is hazy, at best. A survivor since childhood, she cares little for the event that left her forever changed, and instead basks in the freedom given by the thing that stalks in her blood.Conscripted into the Garlean Navy during their invasion and occupation of Werlyt, she served under their flag long enough to become a captain and see Valens take command of their forces. Years of waiting and planning came to a head when she sabotaged several airship engines and made off with their blueprints towards the nearest Alliance port.Wanted for treason against the Garlean Empire and nursing her hatred for them, she took up trade in doing what she does best: Privateering. She currently captains The Rusalka in Limsa Lominsa, her crew comprised of former Garlean conscripts.


- Is a werewolf.
- Has a gnarly scar on the left side of her face from where she was attacked by another werewolf as a kid. Missing an eye - had the eyelids sewn shut so she wouldn't have to maintenance a prosthetic while at sea.
- General Lycanthropy fix-ins: supernatural strength, enhanced healing factor, enhanced senses of sight, smell, hearing, etc. Increased metabolism, unending hunger, some difficulty with impulse control.
- Transformations last a full week surrounding the full moon, with a loss of impulse control leading up until the day of the full moon, which features a complete loss of self. The day & night of a full moon, she is simply the wolf, and has no memory of any events that happen during those 24 hours.
- Is predominantly nonverbal during transformations, though can speak if absolutely necessary. Prefers not to, as it causes strain on her throat.
- Voice Claim
- Playlist